After having assised the professional organizations – CINOV, CNOA, EGF.BTP, FEDENE, FSIF, SBA and Syntec Ingénierie (engineering federation), to setup the first BIM framework, to meet the requirements for the entire construction sector, Me Anne Lapeyrie, Of Counsel (Business law) and Me Jean-Christophe Chevallier, Partner (Intellectual Property and New Technologies), continue to make BIM their priority.
In liaison with PROSYS, they will hold a morning workshop on the 11th of April at our Lyon office, to discuss the BIM issues and liabilities involved. The questions shall focus on the BIM issues and in particularly the need to adapt contracts, the participants’ liability in a BIM project, the data valuation and protection for the digitial model and the added value of the Mezzoteam platform: sharing and identification of responsibilities.