This website is edited and exploited by Ydès, SELARL inter-barreaux (multi-Bar registration), registered with the Lyon Registry of Trade and Companies under the number 384 107 520, with its registered office located at 28, rue Joannès Carret, 69009 Lyon (France).
Telephone: + 33 (0) 4 72 20 12 12
Email address: j.charnay-rousset@ydes.com
Intra-community VAT no.: FR14 384 107 520
Publication director and editor: Julien CHARNAY-ROUSSET.
The website is hosted by acti, RCS RCS Lyon 442 957 544 00020, 289 rue Garibaldi – www.acti.fr – Tel : 04 37 37 25 10– Email : hebergement@acti.fr.
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Creation, design and development: acti
- Ydès’ attorneys and personnel: Studiolecarre
- Illustrations : Julian Hochgesang
“Cour de cassation” (Supreme Court), “Breakfast events”: Pascaline Goret
“Advoc” event: Studiolecarre