Ydès intervient Droit des données personnelles

Human Resources & Employment Law

Backed by its recognized expertise, our Employment Law team provides talented and creative advice and defense services to start-ups, SMEs and French and international groups.

We provide day-to-day support to human resources departments in managing their individual and collective relations, optimizing and guiding management decision-making and defending the company’s interests.

Our lawyers work alongside managers and human resources teams to help them define and secure corporate strategies, particularly in phases of growth and reorganization/restructuring, as well as offering them targeted, individualized training programs.


Our Expertise

  • Employment law
  • Social security law
  • Supplementary social protection law


Individual and collective relations

  • Advice on managing day-to-day labor relations
  • Employee time management
  • Optimizing compensation policies
  • International employee mobility
  • Negotiation of collective agreements (working time arrangements, collective performance agreements, employee savings schemes, etc.).
  • Setting up employee representative bodies and monitoring their operation
  • Occupational health and risk prevention
  • Social support for the sale, acquisition and outsourcing of activities (due diligence, harmonization of statutes, transfer of employees, etc.).
  • Implementation of transformation and restructuring plans (redundancy plans, PSE, voluntary redundancy plans, collective bargaining agreements, etc.)
  • Individual and collective litigation (industrial tribunals, electoral disputes, etc.)


Social litigation

  • Management of individual and mass litigation before industrial tribunals and courts of appeal.
  • Managing electoral and union disputes


Government relations and litigation

  • Relations and disputes with public authorities
  • Assistance in relations with the labor inspectorate and the DIRECCTE, and management of administrative disputes
  • Preparation and follow-up of URSSAF audits and management of all litigation before the social section of the court.
  • Management of work-related accidents and illnesses and their consequences (employee unfitness for work, recognition of work-related nature, action for inexcusable fault, work-related accident pricing)


Our Sectors

We operate in various sectors such as automotive, chemicals, biotech, healthcare and medical devices, tourism, distribution, transport, banking, insurance, construction and public works, as well as the social and cultural economy…


The team

Made up of lawyers with a wide range of backgrounds and experience, all of whom have obtained certification in their field, the labor and employment law team boasts a high level of technical expertise in France and abroad, with the active support of its network present in over 80 countries, in all areas of labor law and social protection.

Available, responsive and rigorous, our lawyers are committed to working with you ethically, devotedly and transparently to bring your projects to fruition and support you in your development.