Jean-Christophe Chevallier
Information Technology
Intellectual property
Data Protection
Distribution & Competition Law
+33 (0)1 70 92 95 95
+33 (0)6 62 03 99 97
- Expertise
- Digital economy law
- Intellectual property law (trademarks, designs, domain names)
- Literary and artistic property rights (copyright and database protection)
- I.T. law and networks
- E-commerce law
- Contract law
- Media law
- Advertizement law
- Protection of privacy and personal data
- Consumer law
- Competition and distribution law
- Digital healthcare law
- Sector
- Digital services
- Artificial intelligence
- Internet & e-commerce
- Healthcare
- Media & advertisement
- Privacy
- Cybersecurity
- Video games
- Entertainment, tourism, mobility
- Luxury brand
- Retail & distribution
- Start-up & innovation
- Spoken languages
- French
- English